my birthday


So today is my birthday... so.... now when people ask me how old I am (cuz it's one of their favorite questions right up there next to "are you married with children?"), I can tell them 二十四岁!.... they will be confused.... up to yesterday I was telling everyone 二十三岁。Maybe I won't be 太年青了 ("so young!") anymore?

Only funny story is that I bought myself a small birthday cake in the student's dining hall today, and one of my student's inferred that it was my birthday. She and all her friends then searched wildly for something on the spot that they could give me as a birthday present... an apple... one of the students offered me her apple. Another student then sang "happy birthday" to me. It was very nice. And the cake was delicious too.

It was a simple birthday... just the way I like it...

This was my birthday cake! It was the last one they had, and I was a little reluctant to purchase because it looked so goofy, but on closer inspection I think this little cake was a sign of good fortune. I am not quite sure what those decorations are... the ears suggest two dogs. But everything else suggests that they are mice. If they are in fact mice, it would be very fitting. I was born in the year of the rat... and 2008 happens to be the year of the rat... the "double double" decorations (two hearts and two creatures) parallel this double coincidence. So in the interest of superstition and wishing myself luck on my birthday, I am going to conclude that these decorations are mice.

UPDATE:Zhang Laoshi, my Chinese professor at NIU, has informed me that these are "ke ai gou"... 'cute dogs'... so much for luck! :-P


Unknown said...

Hen Hao! Yea, I have no idea what those things are... I was thinking funny looking pigs, but your guess is better than mine.

Do anything else for your birthday? Hang out with the other zhongguo laoshi?

Anonymous said...

They are absolutely ke ai gou!!!

Sheng ri kuai le, Aaron!

Aaron said...

Zhang laoshi, xie xie! :-)

Alex, I had three classes and an English corner yesterday so I didn't have much time to do anything... and if I had time, I still wouldn't have done anything, because I'm just boring like that. I didn't even tell anyone at the school it was my birthday. Only a few of students guessed it from the "ke ai gou" cake that I was carrying! lol

I do, on the other hand, often hang out with the other Chinese teachers somewhat regularly. They like to speak to me in English and Chinese... on the one hand they like to practice their English... on the other hand, they are so excited when I speak a little Chinese. So we have good conversations!